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  • JOYO Power Tune Tuner Pedal 2 in 1 with Isolated 8-Channel (2 at 500mA, 6 at 100mA) Filtered Low Noise DC 9V Output Power Supply True Bypass (JF-18R)
    JOYO Power


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JOYO Power Tune Tuner Pedal 2 in 1 with Isolated 8-Channel (2 at 500mA, 6 at 100mA) Filtered Low Noise DC 9V Output Power Supply True Bypass (JF-18R) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 P16259695514
판매가격 146,500원
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선택된 옵션

  • JOYO Power Tune Tuner Pedal 2 in 1 with Isolated 8-Channel (2 at 500mA, 6 at 100mA) Filtered Low Noise DC 9V Output Power Supply True Bypass (JF-18R)

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상품 정보

상품 상세설명

JOYO Power Tune combines both power supply and bass tuner into one amazing pedal, saving space and eliminating noise, 8 isolated DC 9V outputs,features isolated filtered low noise output with short circuit and over current protection. Six outputs give you the standard 100mA power for most of your standard analogue pedals on your board, whilst two additional outputs can deliver a whopping 500mA, which will cover even the most demanding digital effects units. Whole aluminium-alloy housing classic,stable and strong, large LED screen, which is easy to see the working state. Tuner pedal with true bypass wiring to minimise the signal loss to keep the best tone quality. JOYO Technology Co.,LTD which established at 2006, its over decade of brand reputation, with own electroacoustic core technology and a much more strong technical team, thousands innovative patents, guide design by music masters, and the most popular budget pedals and amplifiers, winning the love of global guitarists.

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