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  • 3DS Fire Emblem Awakening - World Edition

상품간략정보 및 구매기능

3DS Fire Emblem Awakening - World Edition

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 P16166638881
배송비결제 주문시 결제
최소구매수량 1 개

  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    USA NTSC version game with World Edition packaging as pictured. Plays on all USA version (NTSC) 3DS Consoles. 9.6 out of 10. Fire Emblem Awakening is the most fluid and stunning strategy RPG experience available on a portable, and features the best storytelling and production value of any 3DS game to date - IGN IMMERSIVE STORY AND VISUALS:The deep and immersive fantasy storyline is told throughbeautiful 3D visuals and movies. DEEP CAST OF CHARACTERS: A massive selection of characters are at your command,withal with a unique personality and background story and different class types and skill sets. BONDS GROWN IN BATTLE: Team up characters to strengthen their friendships on the battlefield. The closer they grow, the better these friends and allies will fight together. Some characters can even get married!

겟업 정보



월-금 am 9:00 - pm 05:00
점심시간 : am 12:00 - pm 01:00
주말/공휴일 휴무


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기업은행 256-094146-04-025 예금주: 이연실(트윈박스)

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