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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II (PlayStation Vita)

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 P16166651745
배송비결제 주문시 결제

  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    A Sequel that Remembers the Past Clear data from Trails of Cold Steel carries over, granting bonus stats and extra items, while also remembering the many relationships cultivated during the earlier time spent at Thors Military Academy to allow for more personalized conversations throughout the story The Link System Returns with a new Overdrive Mode Bonding with allies continues to pay off with the Combat Link System, netting a variety of combat benefits including healing, guarding, and more, while the new Overdrive mode allows linked characters to attack up to three turns in a row for new strategic battle options Recruit Allies from Across the Map to Prepare for War Find and recruit dozens of fellow Thors attendees who are now scattered across the country to gain exclusive shops, goods, training modes, systems, and plenty more colorful dialogue thats a staple of the Trails series Take to the Land and Sky in New Modes of Transportation A personalized airship allows players to swift

    Platform For Display = PlayStation 3

    Platform For Display = PlayStation Vita

겟업 정보



월-금 am 9:00 - pm 05:00
점심시간 : am 12:00 - pm 01:00
주말/공휴일 휴무


무통장입금 계좌번호

기업은행 256-094146-04-025 예금주: 이연실(트윈박스)

회사소개 개인정보 이용약관 PC 버전

트윈박스 부산광역시 남구 용소로 14번길 15 명빌딩 602호
사업자 등록번호 208-13-52529 대표 이연실 전화 1833-7336 팩스
통신판매업신고번호 제2016-부산남구-0277호 수입식품인터넷구매대행업 제 20160004909 호
화장품판매업신고번호(수입대행형) 제8470호
개인정보 보호책임자 배진철 부가통신사업신고번호 제2016-0137292호
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